Suflet de Necuvântătoare - Event Caritabil

Sambata, 29 Iunie, PetHope Timisoara si Mihai Negru - instructor Zumba® Fitness si Bokwa Fitness - organizeaza un eveniment de strangere de fonduri pentru animalele fara adapost

Evenimentul se va desfasura in fata scenei din Piata Unirii, unde va vom astepta cu distractie marca Zumba® Fitness si Bokwa Fitness sustinuta de mai multi intructori, degustare de produse si premii surpriza.

Tinuta recomandata: Tricouri cu animale. Invitati-va toti prietenii la eveniment! Haideti sa fim alaturi de sufletele necuvantatoare.

De asemenea, vom pune la dispozitia binevoitorilor o urna de colectare, unde puteti dona orice suma modica. Intreaga suma se va duce catre Asociatia PetHope.

Odată născute, animăluţele au nevoie de mâncare, de un adăpost şi de îngrijire.

Mai multe detalii:

Asociaţia Pet Hope
IBAN: RO96 RZBR 0000 0600 1253 5915
Banca Raiffeisen Bank
CIF 26863617

Asociaţia Pet Hope
IBAN: RO45 RZBR 0000 0600 1378 2216
Banca Raiffeisen Bank

Va asteptam!

Fii norocul lor! :) [out of love of animals]

Eveniment caritabil intr-o atmosfera placuta si o seara plina de surprize :)
Intrare event: tarif maxim 6 lei :P dam cu zarul, cat iese, iese ;)
If you like our activity please share and support our work, I am targeting mostly these cases

a whole lot of thanks!!! to:
DAOS club 
Tango Timisoara 
Salsa With Attitude Dance School with Georgeta Ranga (thank you dear :) )
Bogdan Racz (Sonatic) by the intervention of Miruna Mdx ( ♥ you are the best Miruna!) :)
--- All the photos that will be on the walls fall under copyright of me, Claudia BejanCapriccio Photography WITH the special featuring of the work of my dear dear dear friend - regarding love and compassion of a little girl towards strays, copyright of that particular poster belongs to fellow artist Michel Schamp [ ♡ I totally love and miss you, my darling :) ]
About the jewellery exposed to be sold for raising funds for the strays in our care, all items are thanks to Shop & Save project - Heart Timisoara and to all who donated them, thank you all so much!!!
Thank YOU all involved, invited, participating, etc. Thank you for loving and caring about animals ♥
-- Thank you Grayscale Rainbow for printing my posters. Hugs :* ---
Thank you to my lovely model from this old photo of 2011


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