Hot tea for cold days
On these cold days, lost in what seems an endless fog, I search for warmth and some kind of comfort and well - being :)
But on the other hand I love the mist, even if it crawls into your bones with a cold creepy touch, and times and times before I've chased to get a glimpse of it
Yet somehow, this one from last week, dense and blinding that lasted that entire day moved me in another manner. Perhaps not as creative as those in the link but it's not like I could have done that over again... is it?
I'll drink more than a warm cup of tea to that day :) It was a challenge to me :P
Fata mea are pui !!!
Doar un preview ca o sa mai vina...
Am catei, de la cateaua de talie mare, de curte, de paza, lucreaza contra os :P
Aviz amatorilor care iubesc animalele si isi doresc un cutzu. Avem 5 pui ce tocmai au facut ochi, inca sug de la mamica asa ca nu sunt de dat fix acum.
Am catei, de la cateaua de talie mare, de curte, de paza, lucreaza contra os :P
Aviz amatorilor care iubesc animalele si isi doresc un cutzu. Avem 5 pui ce tocmai au facut ochi, inca sug de la mamica asa ca nu sunt de dat fix acum.
3 daughters he had
made for this
Antique B&W Portraits challenge
even if at first I thought to use one from the last 3 photos of here
Time's up!
This is a photo of a building that was marked as good for being demolished.
and this used to be a section of a factory...
Old untold stories.
Old photos in my archive.
Old memories of old times.
All this brought to my mind by a simple coincidence. And it was worth it....
and this used to be a section of a factory...
Old untold stories.
Old photos in my archive.
Old memories of old times.
All this brought to my mind by a simple coincidence. And it was worth it....
Toamna iar...
Am chef de scris, e toamna, rece, uda si intunecata. Cand cerul plumburiu face totul sa fie gri imi place sa ma pierd pe alei de parc si sa incerc sa-mi scot din amintire poezii melancolice. E imposibil sa vad viata in roz desi incerc. E toamna, anotimpul care-mi place, care ma indeamna la meditatie cu un pahar aburind de vin fiert in fata. E anotimpul care ma imbujoreaza cu frigul sau mai tare decat o idee nastrusnica ar face-o vreodata.
Pentru mine toamna incepe cu versurile lui Nechita Stanescu, cantate de Alifantis:
“A venit toamna, acoperă-mi inima cu ceva,
cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine cu umbra ta.
Mă tem ca n-am să te mai vad, uneori,
că or să-mi crească aripi ascuţite până la nori,
că ai să te ascunzi într-un ochi străin,
şi el o să se-nchidă cu o frunză de pelin.
că or să-mi crească aripi ascuţite până la nori,
că ai să te ascunzi într-un ochi străin,
şi el o să se-nchidă cu o frunză de pelin.
Şi-atunci mă apropii de pietre şi tac,
iau cuvintele şi le-nec în mare.
Şuier luna şi o răsar şi o prefac
într-o dragoste mare.”
iau cuvintele şi le-nec în mare.
Şuier luna şi o răsar şi o prefac
într-o dragoste mare.”
Bobitza si Mara
Bobitza si Mara sunt adunati de pe strada. Dispretuiti de oameni cu nu stiu ce drept ca circula pe strada, izgoniti de toti retardatii care se simteau deranjati de simpla lor prezenta, Bobitza si Mara au cusca la noi in curte acum, de ceva vreme.
Acest mesaj vrea sa se adreseze celor care cauta caini doar de rasa, stimati domni, distinse doamne, cainii de pe strada au la fel de mult suflet, dau la fel de energic din coada cand primesc un strop de afectiune si/sau un oscior si aduc chiar si mai multa bucurie inimii neimpietrite care ii iubeste.

Animal love quotes
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language." ~ Martin Buber
"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~ Immanual Kant
"My little dog -- a heartbeat at my feet." ~ Edith Wharton
"Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!" ~ Theophile Gautier
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." ~ Roger Caras
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France
"I think I could turn and live with animals, they are
so placid and self-contained,
I stand and look at them long and long." ~ Walt Whitman
so placid and self-contained,
I stand and look at them long and long." ~ Walt Whitman
"I care not for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it."
~ Abraham Lincoln
~ Abraham Lincoln
"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans" ~ James Herriot
"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams
Looking for the summer
Two summers caught here.
Yeap, I'm searching the archives, but there are so many unused out there and I find it to be quite a shame and a waste so... I'm searching :)
They aren't quite the standard type of image when you picture the summer, no sunny beaches, huh :D But it works for me, I don't much like just wasting time on the beach getting totally bored beyond they define better what I mean by summer.
Yeap, I'm searching the archives, but there are so many unused out there and I find it to be quite a shame and a waste so... I'm searching :)
They aren't quite the standard type of image when you picture the summer, no sunny beaches, huh :D But it works for me, I don't much like just wasting time on the beach getting totally bored beyond they define better what I mean by summer.
Love animals, they have souls, they also feel pain, they bleed just like we do and they get hurt if we hurt them
As the EU Council of Ministers prepares to finalise decisions on the revision of Directive 86/609 on animal experiments, we're making preparations to present your Make Animal Testing History pledges in Brussels. We have over 58,000 people marching with us in cyber space and only a few weeks left to influence decision-makers. This has been a fantastic achievement but we'd love to reach the target of 60,000 marchers and we hope you can help us achieve that.
Urgent e-action:
Can you think of at least five new people - family, friends, colleagues - you could email today and invite to join the Make Animal Testing History virtual march? One final effort from all our supporters really could make all the difference and help achieve better protection for animals as well as progress towards the replacement of animal experiments with modern non-animal methods. Email five people today and ask them to join at
Urgent e-action:
Can you think of at least five new people - family, friends, colleagues - you could email today and invite to join the Make Animal Testing History virtual march? One final effort from all our supporters really could make all the difference and help achieve better protection for animals as well as progress towards the replacement of animal experiments with modern non-animal methods. Email five people today and ask them to join at
Ghost face in window
Is this how "ghost" photos are done? Oh well, that's just one way to do it I guess.
This was actually an accident but it does look kind of creepy-nice :D I think.
This was actually an accident but it does look kind of creepy-nice :D I think.
Love homeless dogs too, take one home! Save a dog, take him home. Homeless dogs haunting on the streets, hungry, feared, hated... is this a life? How would you feel if you were them? Do you feel anything at all? Can one be "human" if one has no concern for those souls less fortunate?OR just give something, a donation, an SMS to 1314 text of 2 words: TXT APAM for only 2 euros, for helping those who help. No, I am not one of them, but I too help, as much as I can.

If we would die you just wouldn't care! Would you?

I'm gonna takes this pups tomorrow, I'm gona save them as people called the dog catchers on them. And this: is just an example.
So I'll take the pups, but in a yard with 5 other dogs where can I put the mum? I fear they wouldn't evan accept her... And how much she loves them... and why is tonight her last night with her children? She's not a bad mum, I don't know what to do.
I have a fucking heartache, as if my heart can bleed for all the frozen hearts that don't give a fuck.
God, I hate you!
People, people I hate you too.
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